If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth? A one-minute video is equivalent to 1.8 million written words, according to Forrester Research.
With that statistic alone it becomes clear why videos are quickly replacing the written word in marketing. But video is more than just a quick and simple way for consumers to gather information.
Read on as I highlight three reasons why videos are undeniably the future of marketing.
There's no denying it - Google loves videos. But why? In-the-know marketers are researching how videos are drawing attention across the internet, and they're seeing return on investment from search engine optimization (SEO).
Relevant video content drives more traffic to your homepage, and video content boosts the likelihood of conversion from there. As Google's web robots see how your web traffic is increasing, they tell the system that your content is what people are searching for. The result: your website will be higher-ranked in results page, increasing your odds at being clicked (and getting past your
social dilemma).
Online videos account for
74% of all online traffic. All the while, most of the world is going mobile. In a very fast-paced society, consumers are doing more and more shopping, searching and chatting on mobile devices. However, wordy content tends to become small and difficult to read on mobile screens.
If you can say the same thing in a short video with an attention-grabbing picture, why choose the written content? Videos can be dropped into web pages where they provide an easy-access reference for consumers looking for information. If you aren't addressing the mobile demographic with videos, now's the time to hop on the train.
People will often tell you to “go against the grain” or “think outside of the box.” But if there isn't anything wrong with the grain or the box, why not join the competition? That's the case with video marketing. According to Hubspot, 48% of marketers are adding YouTube to their content marketing strategy - because it works.
Four times as many consumers would prefer to watch a video about something rather than spend the time reading about it. And
25% of consumers say they lose interest in a company that doesn't use video. So, in a world where video is king, it's completely acceptable for you to join the fad.
In a society primed for instant gratification and accessibility, videos have become a necessary aspect of any successful marketing campaign. They provide information quickly and conveniently, with the added benefit of increasing your company website's performance.
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