Why Your Employees Keep Leaving (And It's Not About The Money)
Default Author • June 7, 2017

Ever wondered why some companies have employees who work hard and stay on forever, while others quit before too long to join the competition?

While money can sometimes be a determinant,  all people want to feel recognised and appreciated for the work they do. With increased pressures, responsibilities, bigger workloads, and longer hours, creating a positive relationship largely influences your employee retention.

Unfortunately, most businesses today make promises such as career growth and purpose, but end up not delivering on these promises.

Here's what to do to make sure that any promises made are delivered:

Track When Promises Are Made

You may give promises to your employees verbally, through a written form, or it may come through perceived promises. That's why written and verbal promises should be tracked. Be sure to note it down, and communicate it openly with the other party involved.

Improve Your Delivery

If you're looking to grow your business and retain your staff, you need to act on the promises made. Most leaders struggle to recall what promises they made and this could affect the employee's morale. Some of the things you can do include:

Have Few, But Better Commitments

Having lots of responsibilities makes it hard to manage your workload. Don't just say 'I will do my best'. Outline what the process will include and how the employees will be involved. It's better to have fewer, but better commitments.

Track Your Commitments

Have the promises you made written and review them quarterly to ensure you're delivering. The process doesn't need to be tedious. Start by listing the people who rely on you and make a list any ongoing promises.

Get Everyone Involved

Include everyone in the process to keep the communication lines open and process transparent.  That way its easier to coordinate promises that are not kept.

Avoid Contradictions

When two departments do not communicate properly, this can undermine efficiency. Make sure that all departments are receiving similar information.

Employ The Right Tools And Processes

If you have any issues that may be affecting your delivery on the promises made, eliminate them and employ the right processes and tools to achieve efficiency.  Poor processes only lead to delays, rework, and inefficiency. Investing in reputable processes allows the employees to be more creative and deliver on the company promises.

Understand Promises Made When Getting Into A New Role

Taking up a new role can be exciting as you strive to make a mark and deliver results. Nonetheless, jumping ship without prior knowledge of promises made by previous employees can undermine trust and increase chances of resistance. You need to find out what promises were made before you take on a new role or adjust them to fit the present needs.

As Richard Branson said “Look after your people, and they will look after your business. However, it's not enough to just make empty promises. This could lead to lost faith, damages trust and even demotivated employees when you under deliver and you had over promised.

Stay tuned for part 3 of the 3-part Retention Strategy series, coming soon...

Want to avoid problems in the future? Call me to help you hire the right person...

Tony Henderson

+61 3 8606 0300


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